Rogue 3.6


Rogue 3.6 was released on 4/21/1981. It was developed for VAX 11/780 and PDP 11/70 minicomputers running BSD Unix.

Restoration Source Material

Original Binary Releases

Found in reconstructed September 1, 1981 release of 4.1BSD (10/11/81)
Original Location:

Extracted from BSD/Unix 2.9 [rogue3.6-bsd2.9.tar] (2/6/83, 3/27/83)
Original Location: [Disc 1, directory 2.9]

-rw-r--r-- 1940   1983-08-01 19:08:58 2.9/usr/man/cat6/rogue.6
-rw-r--r-- 1604   1983-08-01 17:28:58 2.9/usr/man/man6/rogue.6
-rw-rw-r-- 15425  1983-07-26 14:08:26 2.9/usr/doc/rogue
-rwxrwxr-x 82920  1983-03-27 00:21:51 2.9/usr/70/rogue
-rws--x--x 126496 1983-02-06 21:19:14 2.9/usr/games/rogue
-r-------- 5531   1982-12-12 22:01:28 2.9/usr/games/lib/roguestrings

Extracted from BSD/Unix 2.9pucc [rogue3.6-bsd2.9pucc.tar]
Original Location: [Disc 1, directory 2.9pucc]

-rw-r--r-- 1492   1984-02-25 03:28:58 2.9pucc/usr/man/man6/rogue.6

Source Releases

Rogue 3.6 BRL [rogue-3.1.tar, 08/05/82 (6/16/81 base)]
Original location:

Rogue 3.6 NMT [rogue3.6.nmt.tar, 6/23/84 (6/16/81 base)]
Submitted by: Aydin Edguer

Rogue 3.6 CMU (rogomatic) [r36.tar.Z, 03/17/85 (6/16/81 base)]]
Original location:

Rogue 3.6 CMU BSD4.1 (rogomatic) [rog36.tar.Z, 03/08/87 (6/16/81 base)]
Original location:

Rogue 3.6 RMT (Bob Toxen, IRIS 3.7) [Iris-3.7-rogue.7z, 05/26/91 (6/16/81 base)]
Original location:
Notes: Color graphics and other changes by Bob Toxen circa 1983-1985
Submitted by: Jason Stevens

Source Reconstruction

This is a best guess at what the original source looked like on 6/16/81.

Rogue 3.6 Reconstruction [rogue3.6-reconstruct-20140209.tar]

Restorations / Downloads

Over time I try to restore versions of rogue to a state where they can be compiled with modern C compilers and played on modern operating systems. I try to minimize changes to the source code but there have to be significant changes to save/restore, scorefile, and input handling functions. Furthermore a variety of bugs are fixed as well to prevent program crashes during execution.

Rogue 3.6.3 Linux Binary
Rogue 3.6.3 DJGPP Binary (DOS)
Rogue 3.6.3 Windows Binary

Rogue 3.6.3 Source Code (r1043) 

View Current Development Source Code Repository

Latest News

January 20, 2014

FYI. I am preparing to move this release to github in the not too distant future.

The next release will have automake/autocof support added

August 27, 2006 10:33pm - 3.6.3

February 6, 2005 7:22pm - 3.6.2

April 30, 2000 3:09pm - 3.6.1