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Rogue 5.2


Rogue 5.2 was released on 4/11/1982. It was developed for VAX 11/780 and PDP 11/70 minicomputers running BSD Unix.

Restoration Source Material

Binary Releases

Extracted from BSD/Unix 4.1c.2 [rogue5.2-bsd4.1c.2.tar, 4/4/83]
Original Location: [Disc 1, directory 4.1c.2]

-rw-r--r-- 1614   1983-02-12 13:14 4.1c.2/usr/man/man6/rogue.6
-rwsr-xr-x 90112  1982-06-08 10:35 4.1c.2/usr/games/rogue
-rw-r--r-- 22021  1982-07-20 11:32 4.1c.2/usr/doc/rogue

Rogue 5.2 CMU (rogomatic) [rogue53.tar.Z, 2/16/86]
Original location:
Despite the name of the archive, this is a binary distribution of rogue 5.2 with some supporting files for rog-o-matic that may have been intended for rogue 5.3. Its likely how rogue 5.2 was distributed as it includes the parts for customizing it to a site and building the final executable.

Source Releases

Rogue 5.2 NMT [rog52-nmt.tar, 9/20/93]
Provided to RRP by Aydin Edguer.

Rogue 5.2 [rogue52.tar, 10/11/99]
I seem to have lost the original archive file with dates, this reconstructs what was there. I believe it was originally obtained from the anonymous ftp site at the now defunct site in the very early 1990s. It should be a relatively unmodified source, how it came to be there I do not know.

Source Reconstruction

This is a best guess at what the original source looked like on 5/19/82.

Rogue 5.2 Reconstruction [rogue5.2-reconstruct-20130930.tar]

Restorations / Downloads

Rogue 5.2-1 DJGPP Binary (DOS/Windows)
Rogue 5.2-1 Linux Binary
Rogue 5.2-1 Cygwin Binary (Windows)
Rogue 5.2-1 Interix/SFU Binary (Windows)
Rogue 5.2-1 AIX Binary
Rogue 5.2-1 Source Code

View Current Development Source Code Repository (Subversion)

Latest News

March 13 2005 11:38am - Rogue 5.2-1 Binaries Released

Final patches in. Binary tarballs finally posted!

March 9 2005 12:31pm - Rogue 5.2 CVS update

Save/restore code tested and fixed up a bit.
Minor cosmetic bug fixes.
Still only available via CVS. Will package binaries when a few remaining issues are resolved.

February 28, 2005 3:56pm - 5.2

Fully functional beta checked into CVS.

February 13, 2005 1:39pm - 5.2

Trivial port complete. Save/restore non-functional. First re-release Rogue v5.2

Rogue 5.2 was released on our about 04/11/1982

The primary goal of this release was to produce a version of Rogue 5.2 as close to the original as possible. The primary differences between this release and the original is the addition of an operating system independent save game mechanism to replace the raw memory dump method used by the original (which won't work reliably on any modern Unix). But functionally the game should be identical.

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Next page: Rogue 5.3